Here's My Baby

 BabyFetus Ticker

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Fillins # 3 we go!

1. Sweet dreams for my hubby every friday although  we will not able to sleep together, I will always wait for you at Saturday noon. mwaaaahhhhh ;)

2. I want a blogger template especially for me.

3. Silliness makes me feel crazy hahahahaaaa.....4. I will prepare exciting crafts and goodies to my students to enjoy this Halloween.

5. Outstanding or not my life is still going on.
6. Fully furnished of my love nest  is what I want right now!7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward  a complete rest after my tutorial tomorrow my plans include think of activities in my reading tutorial and Sunday, I want to have a great nap in the afternoon since our divisoria shopping was postponed and be with my hubby all day long!

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